Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Weight Loss Diet

Vanilla is not my glass of shake!
Changing our lifestyle is not an easy task especially when it comes to dieting, not until I found Herbalife.
The first Herbalife shake mix I had is dutch chocolate.
I must say, this is a yummy flavor combined in your favorite fruits or be it a shake alone.
My second Herbalife shake mix flavor is vanilla.
I’m not saying this is not good, only that, I perhaps don’t want its taste.
We have different taste buds. My like is not your cup of tea I’ll guess.
Well, even I don’t like the vanilla flavor, I found my own recipe to like it this time.
Here it is!

Mandarin Orange Shake

Since I’m on my way in dieting, I divided the mandarin orange into half portion, half for my breakfast and the other half will be for my lunch. Even the mandarin is seedless, I made sure I check each segments for possible seeds and removing the white pith so the shake will not get a bitter taste. After making sure that everything is okay, I put the segments into the blender, put a half cup of water, the herbalife formula 1 vanilla shake mix in sachet and blend it for minutes. I then added some ice and blend it again.
That’s it!

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1 comment:

  1. I love this recipe, Beth! Sounds really yummy, I will surely try that one.
    By the way: I love the Herbalife Formula 1 Vanilla shake especially prepared with fresh ORANGE or Multivitamin JUICE and JOGHURT, sometimes I add some strawberries or other fruit plus some ice cubes and mix it. Try it, I'm sure that you will find it delicious, too.
