Friday, August 30, 2013

Personalized Protein Powder

Personalized Protein Powder is a low fat protein supplement that can help build lean muscles, allowing you to achieve or even maintain a healthy weight. It also helps you to get your daily protein while cutting out unwanted fats and calories. Each healthy serving of Personalized Protein Powder contains two kinds of protein:
1) Soy protein to help you control your hunger and
2) Whey protein for building and maintaining lean muscle mass.
Protein is an organic compound found in every zone of the body. It composes of essential amino acids which is the very building blocks of life and vital for muscle development.
Your body needs protein to maintain lean muscle mass, to control hunger and to burn fats. Protein can help you feel fuller longer and assist you with your weight-management, fitness and health goals.
What makes Personalized Protein Powder so unique?
It is a fat free combination of soy and whey protein that provide good nutrition and help to fight hunger. You can enjoy your Personalized Protein Powder in several ways for it comes in a plain and unsweetened formula that can be mix or added to your Formula 1 shake or can be stirred into other foods and beverages including cereal, yoghurt, sauces and soups. You can also use this as part of your customize herbalife program including formula 1, formula 2, and cell activator for optimum weight management and cellular nutrition.
Try this!
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